Guinness confirma que moradora de Carangola é a pessoa mais idosa do mundo
Da Redação
O Guinness World Records confirmou nesta quarta-feira, dia 18 de maio, que a carangolense Maria Gomes Valentim, conhecida como vó Quita, é a pessoa mais idosa do mundo e a primeira brasileira a receber o título de supercentenária. Ela nasceu em 9 de julho de 1896 e possui 114 anos e 313 dias.
Vó Quita é 48 dias mais velha que a última detentora do título, a norte-americana Besse Cooper, nascida em 26 de agosto de 1896.
A família de vó Quita foi procurada pelo Gerontology Research Group (GRG), que tem representantes no Brasil, após a veiculação de uma matéria sobre a idade de vó Quita em um site da cidade de Carangola, localizada a 246 quilômetros de Juiz de Fora. Mãe de um filho, que morreu aos 75 anos, vó Quita tem quatro netos, sete bisnetos e três trinetos.
Guinness confirms that resident Carangola is the oldest person in the world
The newsroom
Guinness World Records confirmed on Wednesday, May 18, the Valentinecarangolense Maria Gomes, known as Grandma Quita, is the oldest person in the world and the first Brazilian to receive the title of supercentenarian. She was born onJuly 9, 1896 and has 114 years and 313 days.
Quita grandmother is 48 days older than the last defending champions the U.S.Besse Cooper, born August 26, 1896.
Quita grandmother's family was contacted by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG), which has representatives in Brazil, following the way of a story about the age of a grandmother in Quita site Carangola city, located 246 km from Juiz de Fora.Mother of a son who died at age 75, grandmother Quita has four grandchildren, sevengreat-grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
With 114 year-old resident of Carangola is a candidate for the title of world's oldestwoman
The newsroom
Guinness World Records confirmed on Wednesday, May 18, the Valentinecarangolense Maria Gomes, known as Grandma Quita, is the oldest person in the world and the first Brazilian to receive the title of supercentenarian. She was born onJuly 9, 1896 and has 114 years and 313 days.
Quita grandmother is 48 days older than the last defending champions the U.S.Besse Cooper, born August 26, 1896.
Quita grandmother's family was contacted by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG), which has representatives in Brazil, following the way of a story about the age of a grandmother in Quita site Carangola city, located 246 km from Juiz de Fora.Mother of a son who died at age 75, grandmother Quita has four grandchildren, sevengreat-grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
With 114 year-old resident of Carangola is a candidate for the title of world's oldestwoman
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